The Laid Back Guide to the Essence of Living

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top 11 New Year's Resolutions of 2011.

Happy New Year, my friends!

As self improvement goes, New Year's Resolutions are the greatest time for change. As a culture there’s a lot of talk about resolutions because they can be a clean start, allowing us to make better use of our time and energy in the coming year.  To kick off this wonderful clean slate, below I've listed the Flip Flop Philosophy Top 11 Resolutions of 2011.

11.  Lose Weight/Bulk Up- Battle the bulge or beef it up. Just feel better about being you, now.

10.  Better Job- Get that promotion or get out of Dodge, Chrysler or General Motors.  

9.   Save Money- Build up that nest egg.

8.   Reduce/Eliminate Debt- It's hard to feel at peace when the bill collectors call during  meditation. Get you debt under control.

7.    Break the habit- Cut out the addictions be it tobacco, alcohol, caffeine or PCP 

6.    Learn Something New- Knowledge is personal power. Take an opportunity to grow.

5.    Enjoy Life More- We work to live, not live to work.  Work less, have more fun.

4.    Stress Less- In the immortal words of Bobby McFerrin, "Don't Worry, Be Happy.".

3.    Get Organized- Simplicity is the best philosophy. Get rid of the excess and continue from there

2.    Volunteer- Giving your time is the most precious gift to give because it's limited.

The #1 resolution of 2011 is... (Drum roll)

 1.    Leave a Legacy- Our impacts on others will eventually be the story of our lives. Make sure that in every action you are authoring the best story possible

*** I want to thank a great friend of mine, Andy Buth, for teaching me the importance of leaving a legacy.  He lived his life pursuing his dreams.  He overcame all obstacles to be where he wanted in life, and it took him to the most remote places on Earth.  Unfortunately, Andy died a few months ago but what remains are his loved ones and the legacy he left behind.  "Live Fully".  God rest him and look over his family. ***

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Power of Doing Nothing

“The man who sits idle by a river all day and considers it not a waste of time is wise.”  -Zen saying.

From the time we wake until we drag ourselves back to bed at night we are constantly busy.  We are a productive culture and society is reinforcing the idea that we aren’t productive enough. 

We exhaust ourselves yet drink high caffeine content beverages.  Then when we are not in high gear we turn to the media.  Technology entertains our minds but invites them to turn off and tune out. 

Even out in public, we are constantly on cell phones in some kind of distracting (if not a more industrious) way.  We are never doing “nothing”, but there are some powerful benefits to the act of stillness of both mind and body.

Take an hour, or a day if possible, and don’t do a thing.   No working or cleaning, and no planning to do anything.  Let your mind wander.  Do not entertain yourself with the television or the radio, and do not play on your cell phone.  Let go of the need to be productive. 

Get out of the house if you need to and be somewhere you can just mellow.  The following list is by no means comprehensive, but just a few examples of how you can improve your life through non-activity. 

De-stress for better health
If you never slow down your body will eventually not be able to keep up.  You need adequate rest and that means more than a few hours of sleep at night.  Take time to rest and relax.  By doing nothing you allow your mind to unwind and de-stress and that puts your body at ease.   Stress can take a terrible toll on your immune system.  Giving your mind time to be at peace also saves you from colds and the flu not to mention other more serious diseases further down the road.

Glean perspective on life
You can’t see the forest for the trees.  And it’s hard to take perspective on life when you are driving through it like it’s the Indy 500.  Stop and consider where you are heading in life.  Is life progressing as you wished it would?  Are you happy?  What changes can you make to improve your status in life?  I once heard that a ship at sea is off course constantly and the captain must make adjustments in navigation the entire trip in order to arrive at the proper destination.  This too is how life is. 

Gain Gratitude
I can say with great confidence that if you stopped doing anything for a specified amount of time, the world would function without you.  Too many people have this thought that they are indispensable to their jobs or their families and that can put a lot of pressure (not to mention stress) on you.  You should be happy that when you stop doing as you would normally do, life will adapt and go on around you. 

The system works and you don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders.  View the complex system of this world by stepping back from it. Admire it at a distance and be grateful to be apart of it.  It’s a sophisticated universe we live in, and you are a sophisticated component of it.  Rejoice in that while remarking at its beauty.

Make yourself more productive
Call it “creative rejuvenation,” but to rest, letting the mind wander, is some of the best medicine I’ve ever given myself professionally.  My best ideas often come when I’m not sitting at the computer writing, but sitting on the beach with my feet in the sand.  It’s always happened this way. Why?  Probably because I’m at peace and my mind is off daydreaming. 

In order to get new ideas you have to do something different than you normally do.  Whether you’ve thinking professionally or personally, it’s all the same.  Take a small sabbatical and breathe new energy into your life.

The beneficial power of doing nothing can provide greater health, a better vision of your goals, and revive creative juices.  Try it.  It will be difficult at first as your habits have been to stay occupied, but surely you’ll master the art of non-action.  

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Become More You and Less Them

We all want a voice.  We all want to be seen for who we are.  You hear the old sayings, “a face in the crowd,” “a name on a list” or “social security number of the government”.  No one wants to be this way, but oftentimes in society we have to be lumped together in order to make things work more smoothly.  We are taught that this is the way the world should be.  This is wrong.  It’s time to stand out from the crowd.  Don’t be defined by the group any longer.  Below I have listed some steps on how to be more individualized.

Be honest with yourself
You can’t be yourself if you don’t know who you are.  Take some time and sort out your stance concerning as many topics as you can think of.  Good, bad, or indifferent accept your own views and never lie to yourself about them.  Like Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.”

Break from the herd
Now that you know yourself, be unabashed and fearless about being you.  Admit to yourself and others that you are quirky and maybe a little eccentric.  Conformity is a sign of fear, so stand brave.  You have a personality. Like a light from within you, you should let it shine.

Set your own goals
Don’t let others plan your life for you.  It is done out of love, but it can become overbearing to have someone try and run your life.  Decide what you want and determine your own course to get it.  Blaze new trails and learn from your own mistakes.  An old saying is, “There is no one wiser than a person with experience.”  Go out and earn that experience.  You can change the world. 

Question everything
So many times in life we find it easier to do as we are told.  We shut down to the possibilities of finding new ideas or ways to improve upon the old systems.  Question everything; ask why people do the same old things without improvement.  Even if you can’t improve upon them at least you’ll understand the world around you better.  Questioning is a great tool of the innovative mind.  Imagine the possibilities.

Love yourself
You are unique.  There’s no one else in the world like you.  Celebrate that and love your individuality. Self define, not by whom others want you to be, but how you choose to be.  The world is a stage and we are all just players.  You’re in the role you were born to play.   

Chart your own course and be original.  Life is yours to mold and confidence will get you further than fitting in.  Remember who you are and keep a clear view of what you want out of life.  The rest will fall into place.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

7 Steps to Forgiveness

Many times throughout our lives people will hurt us or in some way wrong us, either intentionally or accidently.  It’s inevitable.  Whether they are close to us or not the actions of these people can leave us feeling angry, hurt, or scared.  This is a natural occurrence and happens to everyone.

Sometimes this pain will continue on for long periods of time and disrupt your life.  Constantly living through the pain over and over again can alter the way you live for fear of having it happen again. Dwelling on it can rob you of happiness and joy in the present. 

This can take serious tolls on us because if left unchecked it can affect family, friends and work.  Letting feelings of anger or hurt overwhelm you constantly is no way to live.  In fact, it can even lead to depression.

This is what happened to me a few years ago.  My mind was totally consumed with what was wrong in the world and it was based on a lot of anger and sadness with how others had wronged me as far back as my childhood.  I was so caught up in my victimhood that it sank me into depression, and this, in turn, completely affected all of those around me. 

I needed to learn to let go and forgive.  I found that holding onto my anger bound me. The pain that it had caused eventually came to define me.  I was angry, bitter, and riddled with resentment.  This couldn’t go on.  It was exhausting.  I had to let go of the heavy burdens of keeping up these feelings. 

When you release the resentment and begin to forgive, your life starts to heal.  You let go of the emotions that keep us as victims of other’s wrong doings.  It was challenging but I’ve done it and it’s amazing the burdens that are lifted when you forgive.  In doing so you will find that you are stronger than you believed yourself to be. 

I am now in a place of reflection about how I came to let go and forgive.  I want to share some tips on how you can free yourself from resentment and pain.  Here’s what I was able to learn.

Weigh the value of holding on versus forgiving
What is it that you’re holding on to?  How is it keeping you from personal growth?  How is it affecting your relationships to others?  Is it helping you achieve your goals and aspirations?  In many cases, you will find that not forgiving and not letting go of these pains are actually heavy burdens that consume you and hinders your personal growth.  It’s time to free yourself from those restrictive binding weights of your past.

Vow to let go and forgive.  
It’s not going to happen in an instant.  It may not be easy or quick but forgiveness isn’t a switch you flip; it’s a process.  I named this article steps to forgiveness because I recognize that forgiveness is a journey.  It takes time to get over something and the bigger the pain you feel, the longer it might take.  Commit to the change in your life.  Once you let it go you will no longer be bound by the pain it’s causing you.

Recognize your choice.  
You are only in control of your own actions, not the actions of others.  The only thing that is completely in your control is your thoughts.  You can choose to stop rehashing this pain in your mind over and over again.  You can choose to move on.  This is an amazing power and the choice to use it is solely in your hands.  It just takes time to begin to exercise that power. 

It can be difficult and oftentimes the pain of what’s transpired can blind you from seeing it, but it’s an interesting exercise to empathize with your offender.  Put yourself in the place of the other person and try and figure out what caused them to act as they did.  It’s best to always start with the viewpoint that the person didn’t do it because they are a bad character, rather they just did something wrong.  How is this person feeling now?  How did they feel while wronging you?  Do they feel regret? Remember, you aren’t empathizing to justify their actions but to simply understand them better.

Acknowledge your responsibility.  
In all incidences there is no conflict without both parties owning some responsibility.  Try and figure out how what happened might have been caused, at least in part, by your actions.  What could you have done to have kept it from happening?  Is there a way to prevent it from reoccurring?  The objective isn’t to take all the blame for what’s happened but to acknowledge we are not victims of our lives but willing participants. 

Focus on the present not the past.  
The past is behind you it isn’t real anymore, its history.  It has no bearing on the present moment or your future.  The incident that has left you pained isn’t happening anymore except in your mind and you are making it real.  All current unhappiness and pain is your fault because you won’t let it go.  Bring your focus back to the present moment letting the pains from the past slip off you.  What are you doing at this very moment?  Can you find joy right now?  You will sooner or later go back to thinking on this past incident but just bring yourself back from it and into happiness.

Allow peace and compassion to fill you.  
Make peace with the past, as it is gone.   To dwell on the past any longer is a waste of the present.  Breathe deep and exhaust the pain. With every new breath feel yourself letting go of resentment, anger, and fear.  Feel love enter your heart and your mind.  Forgive the person.  In forgiving them you are freeing yourself from the burden of carrying those emotions with you.  You will feel the weight lifted.  Let love for the person and for all of life begin to live in your heart and expand from there.  This is a difficult last step. 

You may find yourself repeating the above steps, occasionally, to move fully beyond the pain and resentment into forgiveness.   Ultimately, your choices are what define you and choosing to move forward and letting go of this burden will redefine all that you are and how you perceive the world.  It’s for you to decide.