So we’re starting out the New Year right. We’re focusing on feeling and living better. Cutting out the excess stress in our lives are all apart of that. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had a little more luck this year too?
I find myself to be a very lucky person. Now, of course, I don’t win all the time at gambling and I’ve never stumbled over large duffel bags of unmarked cash or anything like that. I’m referring to the natural tendency to have good things happen to me, having the life I want, and having it feel accidental at times.
Luck is believing you're lucky. - Tennessee Williams
Belief that you are lucky makes you alert to the opportunities. Studies have shown that those who think they are lucky tend to have experiences that make them feel luckier. This
research shows lucky people exhibit some common traits which I’ve listed below. Take on some of these traits and watch you’re luck skyrocket.
Risk trying new things
Lucky people are more apt to try new things, giving them new chances to create fortunate opportunities. By continuously subjecting themselves to new situations they create more and more chances for good things to happen.
Lucky people are more intuitive. They feel their way through situations without over thinking them and live their lives making decisions on instinct. Listen to the little voice inside you, and feel your way through certain decisions. Don’t let fear cause you to shut the door on opportunities for fear of the outcome.
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson
The more time one spends in preparation for a task the better they will be in its performance. It’s easy to see actors and musicians on stage and think they had it easy getting to the top and therefore they must be luckier people. But we don’t see the work and effort they put into getting where they are today. Sometimes having the best luck is just being as ready as you can be when the opportunity presents itself.
This is a common trait of lucky people. Lucky people are more giving of their time and money and this opens them up to the possibilities of also receiving good fortune in return. They’re generosity puts them in front of new people who can open new doors to them. This gives them greater chances for enhancing their good fortune.
Positive Disposition
People who have better luck are likely to shrug off moments of misfortune easier and move beyond it faster than those who do not. They also tend to take steps to improve their condition on their own and don’t spend time suffering from their pasts. Keeping a good attitude also makes lucky people attractive to others and this creates greater networking opportunities.
A lucky person is merely a person who meets at the crossroads of circumstance and opportunity with the best possible attitude. You too can be lucky. If you change your thoughts, you will change your luck.