The Laid Back Guide to the Essence of Living

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Find Your Life's Purpose.

What is the meaning of life? That has been pondered over the centuries by philosophers from every age and culture. From the earliest times men have sought to insert their interpretations of meaning into the vast experience that is life. I'd have you believe this very simple notion: the meaning of life is to make life meaningful.

No one can inject meaning into your life for you. No amount of religion, psychology, romance, alcohol, or sex is going to provide the absolute answers. Life's meaning must be sought by the person lacking it. How do you find the meaning of your life? Discovering your life’s purpose? Well it’s about finding what you’re passionate about. I believe spiritually, we’re all on the planet with a purpose, something we’re all supposed to be here doing. It could be anything. Our soul knows what this purpose is but our conscious minds do not. We’re driven subtly to pursue activities within our lives and then purpose manifests itself through our interests and the passions we develop. Tapping into this purpose can open your eyes to a whole different view of the world all around you.

Finding your life's purpose can transform your entire life from a place of dull existence to an amazing world of harmony and magic. Consider what excites you. What do you love doing that allows you to lose all track of time while doing it? Anything that you find yourself doing that rives you to distraction and provides you with emotional satisfaction is going to take you in the right direction.

For me, writing and speaking on the topics of self improvement and spiritual discovery are my passions. They call to me. This very article and this webpage are the evidence of me living in my purpose. This is what I was here to do. I know it.

When you ask yourself, “What drives me? What is my passion?” you may not come back with any apparent answers. It’s time for you to begin to consider some very basic questions.

What comes easily?
What’s something that you like to do that you find to be very easy? Often times we can’t recognize what we love to do but we can see that there’s always been something that comes naturally to us, or that was not as difficult to do as other things. This is a strength in our lives that is usually created by our own personal interest in the subject. Start a list of things you have always found to be easy to do.

What really sparks your creative mind?
I love to create media. I have long held an interest in writing and designing marketing materials, design layout for brochures and business cards, I was even on the high school newspaper staff as a teenager. A couple times in my life, I’ve been a part of making commercials. These things always get my creative juices flowing and I get “in the zone”. In the recent years I have found a growing passion in making websites, and creating media products. Anytime anyone mentions anything about product development or advertising I perk right up and offer input. It’s just a passion I know I have.

What do you love to talk about?
I’ll be in a conversation with my wife around the house and suddenly I will notice her looking at me, smiling and shaking her head. I’ll stop and ask her "What's the matter?". She’ll immediately just look at me and say, “I love you.”. This has become a way for me to realize that I have hijacked our conversation and began taking it down some road on a topic that I’m crazy passionate about. I don’t realize that I rarely stop to take a breath, or let her get an opinion in. These are some of the things that I am knowledgeable and passionate about. Things I’ve often found that I can’t help but fall back to in conversation. When you have just read or heard something about a topic and you have that "I’ve just gotta tell someone this!" thought in your head, that’s a huge indicator of your life’s purpose flowing through you. Ask those closest to you to tell you what it is that you are always enthusiastically rambling about. This could help you greatly to discover your hidden passion

What would you do for free?
Oftentimes in life, there is no immediate pay off in our topics of interest. I’ve spent countless hours and dollars investing in my knowledge of self improvement and to no financial gain at all. These are the things I would do anyway even if I didn’t aspire to eventually make money doing them. Your higher calling may not be something that has an apparent financial gain. If you know of something you love doing so much that you’d be willing to do it anyway for free or even pay to do it, then you have a huge indicator of your life’s purpose.

What would you regret not having done?
When aging people are surveyed about their lives, and are asked, “What do you regret the most not having done in life?” the number one answer is that they wished they’d taken more risks. here are only a couple of definite truths in this world. You are here now; you will not always be. What are you going to do with the time you have been given that will make this all meaningful? Life’s too short and too precious to not go out and risk a little bit. Oftentimes, fear of failure locks us down, but I’d have you realize that dying without trying is the ultimate failure. What will you regret not having done with your life before it’s over?

Living with meaning will awaken you to the world, it changes your perspective. It’s like living in high definition. When you live with purpose you begin to recognize that everything that exists has purpose. Happiness will flow from within you and your whole life changes. I’m interested in hearing about your search for your passions. Email me at to share your self discoveries with me. 

1 comment:

  1. very awesome! I had several take-aways from this... thank you for that... and I could very much relate to Sarah's times of smiling at you hijacking a conversation because of your passion on a topic... smiles!

    And I loved this line... "Finding your life's purpose can transform your entire life from a place of dull existence to an amazing world of harmony and magic."

    Very nice work... I like your thought process and looking forward to reading more!
