The Laid Back Guide to the Essence of Living

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reprogram Yourself

I never knew I was a techie.  I didn’t think of myself as an overly geeky guy, I just knew how to do a few things that involved modems, and internet connectivity from when I was a cable installer years ago.  Turns out I’m quite gifted at a lot of technical stuff, not as much as some, but I know enough to at least understand what mega-nerds are talking about.  I can even program my VCR (what’s a VCR?) and more interestingly, I can program ….myself.

It’s interesting when you start actively engaging your mind.  I get into a habit of challenging my mind to change the way I feel about certain things I experience.  If you re-associate different emotions during the performance of actions they can take on that different sensory experience.  This will create all new worlds for you as you experience them. 

This can have positive ramifications as well as negative.  For example, a restaurant patron eats his favorite meal, and then ends up with food poisoning.  For a long time he may never eat that meal again because the emotional imprint left in his memory will have his stomach turn every time the food is mentioned.

This can sometimes work against you but it can also be used as a tool to aid you.  This tactic is related to a previous blog I wrote about Playing Games to become more productive.  It’s all about perception, and you can take it even further.

We have so much mental programming in our heads that most of life is lived subconsciously.  Statistics have shown that in a given day we only perform our daily tasks with about 5% of our conscious mind.  Think of it as a good thing.  For instance, we don’t have to take conscious effort to make our hearts beat, stomachs digest, to blink our eyes or to even breathe.

Can you imagine how exhausted you would feel if for every function of life you had to consciously make a decision to take a step, say each and every word?  What if you got distracted and forgot to make your heart beat or expand your lungs to breathe?  I’ve got ADD, I’ve have been dead long ago. 

We are highly sophisticated computers, ultimately. We have thousands of preset filters, behaviors, beliefs and constructs that reside below our conscious level that dictate a lot of our daily lives.  The power of controlling the direction of your life rests in your ability to program your subconscious thoughts to work in the way that’s most beneficial to your goals.

When you apply yourself there’s nothing too far out of reach for.  You are only limited by your own mind and what you belief you can do.  I’ve learned this truth over the past few months.

In just a short time, I started reprogramming myself.  I became more effective at making moves both consciously and subconsciously to become more who I want to be.   

These are just some of the ways I’ve made my programming work for me.
  • Waking at 5 a.m. giving me more time to complete tasks
  • Exercising 5 hours a week
  • Lost 25lbs. (so far)
  • Started this blog
  • Began public speaking and lecturing
  • Gotten more disciplined and organized.

Look at the ways you can improve yourself through your own reprogramming, then start making one change at a time.  Just one is all that it takes to make a world of difference.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle

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